Human Rights Day 2023: Freedom, Equality and Justice for All.

Soumik Saha

Discover the Date, History, and All You Need to Know: Human Rights Day.

Human Rights Day 2023

Happy Human Rights Day! It’s celebrated on December 10 every year because that’s when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made by the UN in 1948. This document is like a rulebook saying that every person, no matter where they’re from or who they are, has certain rights.

On this day, we all take a moment to think about these rights and how we can make sure everyone gets treated fairly. The theme for Human Rights Day in 2023 is “Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All.” It’s all about making sure that everyone has the freedom to live their life, equal chances, and fair treatment.

Since 1948, the idea of human rights has become a big deal all over the world. It’s like a guide that helps protect the rights of different groups, like migrants, indigenous people, and those with disabilities.

Back in 1950, the UN General Assembly said that December 10 should officially be Human Rights Day. People were so excited about it that in 1952, they even made a special stamp to celebrate the day.

Even though the declaration isn’t a law, it inspired more than 60 other agreements about human rights. All the countries in the United Nations agreed on basic human rights, making them even more important in our daily lives.

Human Rights Day is like a big reminder that everyone, no matter where they’re from, has rights and freedoms. It’s a call for everyone—countries, groups, and individuals—to work together for fairness and respect. Let’s make sure we live in a world where human rights are something we all care about, protect, and celebrate!

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