What is Article 370 of Indian Constitution?

Soumik Saha

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The turbulent saga of Jammu and Kashmir is deeply intertwined with the enigmatic and controversial Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. Born amidst the chaos of Partition in 1949, this temporary provision granted the state a unique status, aiming to reconcile its integration with India with the preservation of its distinct cultural identity.
What is Article 370 of the Indian Constitution?

Article 370 , attempting to balance the integration of Jammu and Kashmir into the Indian Union while acknowledging its inherent uniqueness. It limited the application of central laws, allowing the state significant autonomy in its internal governance and legislation. The “permanent resident” status, established by the article, further aimed to safeguard the demographics and cultural fabric of the region, granting exclusive rights to property ownership, government jobs, and scholarships.

However, this delicate balance was constantly under scrutiny. The existence of a separate constitution for Jammu and Kashmir, alongside the Indian Constitution, became a major point of contention. While proponents viewed it as essential for preserving the state’s individuality, critics argued that it fostered a sense of alienation and hampered economic development. The concept of permanent residency also ignited heated debates, with accusations of discriminatory practices against non-locals.

In 2019, the Indian government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, made the highly controversial decision to abrogate Article 370 and 35A, effectively revoking the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

The story of Article 370 is far from over. This complex issue, steeped in history and controversy, demands a multifaceted understanding. As the region grapples with the aftermath of abrogation, genuine dialogue and a concerted effort towards building a more inclusive and peaceful future are paramount. Only then can Jammu and Kashmir truly unlock its potential and emerge as a vibrant and thriving region.

Also Read: Supreme Court Abolishes Article 370: A New Dawn For Jammu & Kashmir?